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Services & Sessions

Leading a Turnaround During COVID-19

Dr. Faison shares the tools and special skills needed to lead a turnaround during these current uncertain times. This session highlights all the strategies needed to lead a turnaround but during a new COVID-19 educational world.


In the Chair Training

Dr. Faison’s current status as a proven turnaround expert provides her with a sense of credibility and experience beyond that of a  typical educational consultant.  Dr. Faison is currently leading her third successful turnaround which gives her an advantage over the typical consultant who is no longer in the business of everyday instruction. With the rapid changes in current technologies and student populations it is important to keep abreast with best practices.  Her current role as a turnaround principal and past successes allows her to provide a level of coaching and training that few others can. Dr. Faison likes to refer to her unique brand of coaching as “In the Chair Training”.


Building a Culture of Excellence

Dr. Faison is known for her ability to transform the culture of a school. Building a Culture of Excellence focuses on how to physically and mentally change not only the culture of the school, but also the parents and larger community. Dr. Faison has learned throughout her practice that one of the first barriers to success is the failure to believe real change and success are possible. For positive change to occur we must shoot for nothing less than Excellence-not as a single act, but as a culture. 


Breaking the Myth- “The Parents Here Don’t” or “But our Parents Won’t”- How to create Real Parent and Community Engagement

Dr. Faison has established parent organizations in schools where they have not existed in decades and where others felt the cause of true community engagement was lost. Dr. Faison has remarked on community engagement that,  “this is one of my biggest successes that lead to all other successes”.  This session focuses on how to get the community and parents involved in ways that enhance academics and support the holistic child. 


In God We Trust, All Others Bring Data

The above is a motto Dr. Faison lives by, so much so that the staff at her second turnaround school engraved it on a parting gift as a way to say thank you. Dr. Faison believes that to get real results we must follow where the evidence and data lead. For there to be real change we must use the evidence of what works and what doesn’t. This session focuses on how to use data to transform a school and build teacher capacity. 

Half Day

Full Day

Strategic Planning

On-Site Shadow with Comprehensive Report

Dr. Faison also offers sessions on other specific topics and focuses per request.


All coaching and/or training sessions can be done virtually, on-site, or for best results a combination of both. Services focus on turnaround leadership, data, culture, and relationships.

I Give Organizations 

A Fresh Approach

& New Start

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